Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being Faithful

How do you stay faithful? I'm not talking about staying in faith, which to me is believing and recognizing all of the goodness God gives. No, what I am talking about is giving thanks every morning, thinking about all of the great things God has done, saying my prayers at night, basically exercising your faith throughout the day. Being faithful and really experiencing your faith takes work. I am here to tell you, it is hard for me.

It's not that I don't ever pray or give thanks. I do. What I struggle with is doing the best in my prayers and thankfulness. You see, I often feel that I haven't gone into my prayers prepared. I find a moment here and there, I even put a reminder in my online calendar to remind me to do my morning and evening prayers. But as those reminders pop up, I am no more prepared to pray than when I just pray somewhere on the fly. I know that praying is individual. I also know that my prayers still go to God, even when they are quick and fleeting. What I want to do better and what I believe will give me a greater and stronger relationship with God is learning and executing thoughtful, more heartfelt, and meaningful prayers.

Again, I realize that my insecurities with prayer are mine and mine alone. But I do think that working on my faith skills and continually learning new faith skills, I will keep growing in the love that is what God has in store for all of us. That is my goal and one of the many things I want to achieve in my walk with God.