Thursday, March 18, 2010

Living in Faith

Not long ago, I wrote about being faithful. What I was discussing was the idea of holding onto your faith and keeping it active in your daily life. Today, I am thinking more about living in faith, which I think is a little bit different. To me, living in faith also takes some effort and we all approach it a little differently.

Personally, I have what I consider a strong faith. What I mean by that is that no matter what happens in my life and what circumstances I am dealing with, I always believe that at the end of the day God is in control and will bring me out in a place where he wants me to be. I live in faith. Yes, I have to navigate life, just like everyone else. And there are times when things don't go my way but I firmly believe that when it is my time to go be with The Lord, I will have arrived at the spot God intended for me, when He intended for me to be there. I don't feel as if I have to be in control every step of the way. As a matter of fact, it is really liberating to not feel like you have to make all of the right decisions. You really only have to make one right decision and that is to have faith in The Lord.

Isn't that nice, I have this all figured out in one paragraph on a blog post. Of course, it isn't that simple but the foundation of that philosophy is exactly that simple. Yes, there are times when I take too much control. Yes, I have made bad decisions by not following God. But I have no doubt that God has a plan for me (faith). I know that God is lining up everything I need (faith). And I know that I will make mistakes and wander off the path from time to time but that I can always turn to my personal GPS (God Pointing System) and get back on track.

Yes, there are times when I find myself in a place or circumstance that is all wrong for me but I don't fret about it and certainly don't blame anyone, especially God for those mistakes. I simply take a deep breath and give it to God and let him reposition me on the right path. I go on living in faith.

At least that is how I think of living in faith. How do you live in faith?