Sunday, June 12, 2011


What version of the Bible are you using? I just bought an iPad2 and want to buy a Bible for the device that I can use on the go.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Weekly Prayer

Each week, I reserve time to watch a few TV ministers. I travel a fair amount for work and work in general is pretty busy. So, I am thankful for my DVR. With this handy piece of technology (and I love technology), I have the ability to catch up on shows I would not have seen otherwise. That includes one of my favorite ministers, Joel Osteen. At a very critical point in my life, I was in an airport heading home and looking for something to read on the plane. I found one of Joel's books and from that simple act of looking for something to entertain me on the long plane ride, God re-entered my life. And like many Christians who are still young in their walk with The Lord, I have occassionally stumbled and had to refocus to stay on track. The DVR Ministry on my cable box helps me do just that. Even if I can't make it to church, I can always put things on hold for a while and connect with the ministers on my DVR.
I think the reason why the couple of hours I carve out to watch "my ministers" is so important to me is because it is a time where I can simply recieve the word of God. But one of the things that gets me going is a prayer that Joel Osteen recites each week before his message. It is a very simple prayer but it reminds me each week that no matter what is going on around me. No matter what has happened or will happen, God is taking care of me and leading me where I need to go. It also reminds me that I have so much to be thankful for and that God will continue to bless me as I keep up this great walk with God.

What gets your engine of faith reved up? Is it a church social? A good friend? A quiet time to pray and reflect? No matter what it is, it is important for you to do it. Make the time and effort to stop and think about what God has done for you and continues to do for you. The short prayer Joel recites is like the start of a race for me, it is my signal that it is time to recieve The Word of God and give thanks once again.

God bless you all and have a great week!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ed Young Ministries

I just found a new minister that I want to learn more about, Ed Young, Jr .

Anyone know anything about him and his ministry?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

God is leading the Way

I attended a funeral this week. Not a remarkable thing to do but it was clearly one of those moments I will always remember. The service was nice and it was well attended but what I will remember about it was how I became aware of how this one man had touched so many lives, how he had touched me, and how my connection to him had created so many lasting, memorable, and truly valuable connections. It really is true, God orders our steps, puts people in our path that will have a lasting impression and impact on our daily lives.

In the case of this man, he was my very first boss, you know for a paying job. He was a hard worker, a leader, and he genuinely cared for the people who worked for him. That isn't to say he suffered fools, he was tough but he never asked you to do anything that he himself wouldn't do or in many cases hadn't done before. His youngest son was also a close friend of mine and was much like his dad. As a matter of fact, the whole family were friends and you could tell they knew that what they said and did in their community meant something to them.

Now, this sounds like a million other men and their families and perhaps that is why it was so memorable. But the thing that kept running through my mind was how this man had touched the lives of all the people in the room. How knowing him had brought so many of these people and countless others into my life. How all of those connections, some closer than others, had helped influence who I would become. Then it struck me that this wasn't all by chance or some random gathering of people. This was all part of God's plan for me and others in my life.

I knew that God had a plan for me or a better way to say it is HAS a plan for me. I may never understand every step or connection. I will certainly have difficult days and easy days. But I can say without any doubt that knowing this man was clearly part of the plan God has for me. There are many things about my life that can be traced back to knowing this man as a boss, a leader, an example, and mostly as a friend. I am truly a better person for knowing him and I can only hope that God will see fit to let me serve in the same capacity for someone else.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's Been A While...

...but I am making a commitment to pick back up the blogging for My Everyday Faith. There are so many great and inspiring things to talk about and no better place to do it than on the blog. So, let's do some catching up and talk about our everyday lives and our Everyday Faith!