Thursday, June 28, 2012



1. a written declaration certifying to a person's character, conduct, or qualifications, or to the value, excellence, etc., of a thing; a letter or written statement of recommendation.
2. something given or done as an expression of esteem, admiration, or gratitude.

Growing up in the south and as a Methodist, if I heard someone say, they were 'giving their testimonial' I knew they were talking about getting up in front of their church congregation to talk about how they were a lost soul but gave their life to Christ and became born again. Honestly, I am not sure the use of the word is grammatically correct but again, being from the south, I knew exactly what they meant.

While we Methodist know what a testimonial is, it isn't at the center of our faith. Occasionally, someone will offer up their story but it isn't expected as part of your journey as it is in some other branches of Christianity. However, I often think about the overall expression of a testimonial and what it means. Do we Methodist or other faiths have a similar expression but just in another form?
I believe we do.

I have long held the belief that a testimonial can take many forms, not just the process of standing before your congregational peers and talking about your journey. I also think that a very powerful form of testimonial is by example. You see, I believe that we can all talk a good game, some better than others. And that is not to say that those that speak their testimonials are any less sincere. However, I believe it is by our actions that the expression of our love for Christ is best communicated. I really do think that everyone can do the spoken testimonial but the person that lives the exemplary life and works to do what is right shows me far more than telling me what they are doing.

Is there a place for testimonials in our Christian lives? Yes, by all means. Think of the many stories we hear in our churches, synagogue, and temples each week. Even if they are not being told by the actual participants, they are still a testimony to God's grace. And even when the person standing at the alter is telling their own story of redemption, it is a very moving and powerful part of our faith. But not everyone can tell that story and not everyone needs to tell their story for it to be valid. However, everyone needs to live their testimonial and by doing so, they convey a much stronger message than any written or spoken expression can ever give.

Are you a living testimonial? If you stood before God today, would you be able to tell him your testimonial and would your life match or exceed it? I pray mine will.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Half Full or Half Empty?

Earlier today, my wife and I were watching one of the syndicated morning talk shows. One of the segments on the show was about people that are preparing for natural and man-made disasters (not the Apocalypse). These people are called 'preppers' and they stockpile food, water, ammunition, batteries, basically anything needed to survive for weeks without basic services and supplies.

As the announcer was setting up the piece, my wife asked, would I want to still be living if the 'world' were destroyed by war or some natural disaster. My answer was a resounding yes! In all honesty, I don't think anything like that is going to happen but if it did, I would hate to think I had so little hope that I would not want to be alive. Yes, I am going to Heaven and yes, I know that life in Heaven will be so much sweeter than it is here. However, I also believe that God has a plan for me and that even if the plan were to include some huge disaster, that if He didn't take me as part of that event, that He would want me to be here to see and do things that only He can make happen.

Imagine, helping those left behind recover, that would be God's grace in action. Rebuilding homes and lives so people could get their lives in order, that would be God's eternal hope. Or think about all of those people that were not sure how to go on and helping them find that God is in control and giving them a reason to live, that would be the miracle of God's unconditional love. I could never miss being a part of that. Sure, it wouldn't be easy. God never promised a life without suffering or pain but He is here for us and if we accept Him and have faith in Him, we will be able to do all things through Him.

So, the answer is a resounding yes, if God kept me here, then I would want to be here. It would mean he still has plans for me and I want to take every opportunity, good and bad, to see his plan for me come to pass!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Being Thankful for What You Have

It is easy to get down and think about all the things you are missing out on. You didn't get the car you wanted, the house that you put an offer on went to someone else, or maybe you had a crush on that special person at work but found out they are dating someone else. You just seem to always come up short. Or do you?

Being thankful for what you have isn't a really hard concept but from time to time, we all seem to struggle with it. It seems to be the hardest when we have either been knocked down a few times or maybe when we have been praying for something to happened and it just doesn't. But we all have to remember that even when we aren't getting the things we dream of most, that does not mean that God is not still working on our behalf.

No, maybe you didn't get that job you applied for but you still have food on the table and a roof over your head. That is something to be thankful for. Maybe you have been praying for a relationship to blossom from friendship into more but is just isn't happening. Still, you have a good friend and someone that truly cares for you. Or how about the house you tried to buy but the deal fell apart at the last minute. You still have a good home that is safe, dry, and warm.

You see, God works on his own schedule and on his own plan. So, when your dreams aren't happening on your timetable and things don't seem to be working out for your plans. Remember, you still have things to be thankful for and the thing that you should be thankful for the most is that God is working His plan in your life. While you may not see it, you will one day have every thing God has in store for you and your dreams and plans will seem so small compared to what He is planning for your future.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thinking Right Thoughts

I've always been a positive person. I remember after my father passed away and I was helping my Mom sort out her personal and financial affairs that there were times when she would get very down. Yes, I realize she had every right to feel this way and I never judged her for those feelings or thoughts. However, each time we would be dealing with a trying matter, I was always able to see things from another point of view. Yes, the paperwork was complicated but if other people had done it, then so could we. Of course it was hard to sort out the finances but now she knew how much money she actually had and was no longer unsure. Absolutely she was lonely but there were others in her shoes that could help her and they did.

Again, I never tried to minimize what she was dealing with and by all means, she was in pain and hurting (just like me) but I always feel like God has a plan. Whatever His plan is for me, I know it will be a good one. Yes, I fully expect there to be times when things are not going my way. Sure, there will be occassions when I want to have my own "why me?" moments with God. But the Bible tells us that God wants us to be happy and live a life of abundance. As I tell my daughter, you cannot know true happiness until you know true sorrow. That isn't to say that we all need to be miserable before we can be happy but think about it, if you never had anything go wrong in your life, how would you ever know when things were going really well?

God knows what he is doing. As long as I keep that in the front of my thoughts, how can I let negative things creep in about what I am going through. Yes, I lost my father but now he isn't in any more pain. Yes, that person hurt me but they must not have been a true friend and it was time for them to move on. Yes, I lost my job but God must have a better plan for me or I would still be working there.

You have to think right thoughts. You have to know God is in control and leading you to where you should be going. How can you not be positive when you know He is in control and cares so deeply for you? I sure can't!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Numbers Game

I've been in sales for a number of years and I often tell my reps that sales is really just a numbers game. What I mean is that you have to put in the activity before something will happen. Sure, you need to work smart, do your research, and really try to target your clients. But at the end of the day, the more emails you send (numbers), the more calls you make (numbers), and the more meetings you do (numbers) will ultimately result in more closed deals (numbers). It really is that simple.

Well, it is the same way with God. Yes, He wants you to be happy and live the life He has planned for you but He also knows that you have to make the journey before you can live His best for you. Just like there are no short cuts in sales, there are no short cuts to God's best for you. Every day, you need to get up, declare this is God's day and you are going to live it to His best. Every day you will expect God's best for your life. And every day, you will get one step closer to the dreams and plans God has put in your heart. So basically, you are doing the activity (numbers) and with each activity, you are making progress in your life with God.

Have you put in your numbers today? If not, it isn't too late. Thank God for all the blessings and keep working to be closer to Him. With each passing day, you will be that much closer to the very best God has in store for you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Doors and Windows

You remember that line from The Sound of Music, "where God closes a door, He opens a window". Or maybe you've heard it used in another context but basically, the saying means that what looks like something is ending only means God is setting up a new beginning. It really is a very strong part of my faith and what allows me to take comfort in not knowing all the details of God's plan for me.

You see, throughout my life, I have always felt that God's hand was on me and that no matter what was going on, good or bad, God knew all about me, had a plan for me, and would take me through it. Now, it is very easy to forget this when the good times are rolling. I mean your life is humming along and you seem not to have a care in the world. Then something happens, a relationship ends, a family member passes, or you experience a loss. At those times, it is easy to get caught up in all that is wrong. But I have learned that loss is just a part of life and that there are times when something must end before the next good thing can happen. And while God wants us to be happy, He also knows that we must go through these times to prepare us for the next level of His blessings and sometimes that preparation can be hard or uncomfortable to handle.

The good news is that God will not give you anything you cannot handle and that if you stay in faith and trust him to guide you, you will come out far better than you were before. The relationship that ended was a set up for a better relationship. The job loss was difficult but it was necessary for you to get the better job. The real estate contract that fell through at the last minute was because God had a better place for you to be. The bad things don't just happen, they happen for a reason. God knows you and has a detailed plan for you. Yes, we have to do our part. That includes staying in faith, believing that He is in control and working on our behalf, treating others the way we want to be treated, living a life that is an example of a follower of Christ. Do your part, keep believing, and God will open that window or maybe another door. We really don't have to do this alone and when you can live in the comfort of knowing that God will work it all out, your life will be so much more blessed in the process.

Are you focusing on the closed doors and missing the open windows? Let the open windows bring in God's blessings today. You will be so glad you did.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


It is the waiting that gets to you, am I right?

I am an action oriented person. I like to keep things moving and if I am active, then I am getting things done. I make a list, check things off the list, then make more lists. I am a do-er (is that a word???). For someone like me, waiting is way overrated. I am not one to just sit. Even while watching TV, I have gotten into the habit of multitasking on my iPad or laptop (I wish all this energy translated into weight loss, but that is another subject).

Now that I am in job search mode, it is painful to wait on the follow up. I am engaged, I am in my office every day working on my search. I network, research companies, prepare for my calls, everything you should be doing if you are actively searching for work. But inevitably, I reach a point where I have done everything that needs to be done and I am waiting on someone to get back to me. It isn't that I am impatient with them, they are busy and working other things. Still, I have to fight the urge to be a pest. It isn't easy for me, remember, I want to check things off my list and waiting on others keeps me from doing that.

God works like this too. It isn't that He is too busy or working on other things but He is doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and no sooner than it needs to be done. Learning to be patient can be hard, at least for me. But I have learned that rushing things can have the opposite effect. In a job search, you can rush someone into thinking you are desperate and thus not mature enough for the role they are discussing with you. You can also rush into something that is the wrong fit. When you rush things, you can get the satisfaction of checking things off your to-do list at the expense of doing the right things. What that means is you didn't get God's best and have to back track to go where you are supposed to be not where you ended up.

Now, I am not saying that you need to just sit back and wait on things to happen. God expects us to do for ourselves. We have to walk through the doors He opens, we won't be magically transported there! Still, we get so focused on results that we don't stop long enough to take a deep breath and understand the plan.

I don't pretend to know why things are the way they are and I certainly cannot explain every part of God's plan for my life. However, I have lived long enough to know that He does have a plan for me and it is my responsibility to listen so I can come close to getting it right. Sure, I will make mistakes and take wrong turns. But in my job search, I know God is wants something for me and that I need to have the patience to listen to His direction and not just jump at the first thing that lands in front of me. If I make a wrong move, it isn't the end of the world, God can fix anything but why chase the wrong things when God is putting the right things in place for me? It just takes faith and patience.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Little things

You've heard the saying that it is the little things that matter. It is such a true statement. I have been engaged in a number of calls and basic networking since Monday. I have been overwhelmed by the large and small gestures that people have made to help me in me in the process. It is so hard to be in a place where you feel you have to go asking for favors but I have always felt it was my place to help when someone asked, never asking for anything in return. Now, as I find myself in job search mode, it gives me so much joy to see how so many people are not only willing to talk to me but going to great lengths to help.

But it is the little things that are making me smile. The former boss that has gone to his CEO for leads and introductions for me. It is the former client that is reaching out to his network and making introductions. The former colleagues that are asking to be references, write recommendations, or offer up their own contacts. Each time this happens, I just have to smile. What a joy it is to be blessed by such wonderful people.

However, as I was recalling a short email exchange with the CEO of a local company, I had to tell my wife just how much God is at work in all of this. I don't know what, if any of this will come to but the things people are willing to do for you is no accident. God has put these people in my life for a reason. He is setting the pieces in place to take me places I never dreamed possible. I honestly believe I will look back at this job loss one day and say how it was the best thing that happened to me. Not necessarily because I got a better job or more money but because the window into God's plan that was thrust open as a result. 

So, the next time you are asked to help in a small way, think about how something little can mean the world to someone in need. By answering the call, you are helping fulfill God's plan but better still, you may be planting the seeds for God's help to make your dreams come true too.

God bless!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just a little talk with God

I struggle with prayer. Not the concept but doing it regularly and in a way that I think is fitting for my relationship with God. I've never been one to pray outloud. I remember as a kid watching Grandma Walton (from The Waltons TV show) say a prayer in bed. She basically closed her eyes, said a silent prayer, then told Grandpa Walton goodnight. It was the first time I realized that I could pray without getting on my knees, bowing my head, and folding my hands. As a result, I felt that if Grandma Walton could be this informal in her prayer, then so could I. But somewhere deep down, I always felt that those informal prayers were not really as valuable as those that were done with a purpose, you know, where I really set down and said, this is a prayer.

But what really is a prayer anyway? Well, in my uneducated way of thinking it is really just talking to God. I know God loves me and has a plan for my life. I am very thankful for all He has done for me and my family. I just don't feel like I express is well or often enough. I also struggle asking for God's support and gifts. I was raised in a southern Methodist church and rightly or wrongly, I always felt that asking God for blessings in our lives was not how things worked. That we should only pray for forgiveness, give prayers of thanks, and then if we needed it, pray for deliverance. Perhaps all of this is why I struggle with prayer. Perhaps I don't really know how to have a conversation with God.

The good news is that I can keep trying. I have learned that God doesn't expect me to be perfect. He knows that every day I will make mistakes but that he loves me and forgives me as soon as those mistakes happen. I am sure I will keep struggling with prayer but I will also keep trying. I do believe it is like most anything else, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

And now, I'm going to go talk with God.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?
It isn't unusual to get so busy living your lives that you just expect things to continue as they always have. Sure, we all have ups and downs but in general, you usually see the small distractions and just keep moving. Then, it hits you from out of nowhere. A sudden death in the family, a job loss, a terminal diagnosis from the doctor, or really any devastating news. What do you do? Where do you go from here? How do you deal with it and how will it get better?
It happened to me this week. Early Monday, I was laid off from my job. I had seen the signs and fortunately, had started looking but it was still a shock. The funny thing about it is that I wasn't really that upset. I mean in over 30 years of full-time work, I have never been laid off and never been without a job. Now that I have a family and obligations, I admit it is scary but I trust God will put the right people and opportunities in my path to take me to the next part of my journey. What that will be, I don't know yet but I have to believe that had I not been saved and have a personal relationship with God, I would be much more stressed about it. I simply know God is in control and it will work out for my good.
What is so interesting is that as I have gotten older, I look at things differently. Sure, I see all the ways God has blessed me and my family. When I see where I am and where I came from, it is abundantly clear He is in charge. But what I saw today was how God himself must feel when one of his children is in pain. Because it was final exam week, my wife and I decided to wait until her exams were over to tell our daughter about my job. The last thing I wanted was for my job situation to be a distraction from her school work and grades. As I told her the news this afternoon, my heart ached for the pain the news gave her. Me? I had been fine and while disappointed, I really had not felt sad or even angry. However, watching my bright and beautiful daughter well up with tears brought me to my knees. Because we have never been through anything like this before, she didn't know how to react but you could tell is was like someone had kicked her in the gut. What did this mean for the family? What did this mean for her fall plans to attend college? How would this impact her life?
As I tried to comfort her, I thought this must be how God feels when one of us is hurt or in pain. We all know that to have true joy, you must occasionally feel pain. But as a father, I don't want to see my child suffer or be in pain and I want only the best for her. Isn't that how God feels about us? Isn't our Heavenly Father just as hurt when we are hurt? I am certain that is how this works. For God loves us as his children and if we are his children, then this is how he feels when we suffer. He also knows we have to go through the hard times to get us to the good times but I really don't believe He is happy until we are happy.
Now that we have the circumstances on the table, where do we go from here? Well, I don't have all of the answers but I do know that God makes a way where no one else can. Just like I told my daughter, I will do everything I can to make things work out, God too has told me that things will be okay. I don't know what that will look like but I trust Him to make the path clear and to put the right things before me to make it all work out. I still have to do my part. I have to look for work and I have to network with my contacts about finding something but I trust and believe that God will put the right people and circumstances in my path now to take me to the next level. I don't know what that will look like and I admit it is a little scary to think about. Still, having my personal relationship with God gives me the comfort and assurance that this is only a temporary setback. I know that one day soon, I will be promoted higher and that what I am going through wasn't really a setback but a setup for what is to come. 
Where do we go from here? I don't know but I do know that God will make it worthwhile!