Monday, September 24, 2012

My Everyday Words of Faith

How many times a day do you say things like this:

  • I can't...
  • I'm not...
  • I don't believe...
Or some negative comment about yourself?

Even if it is once a day, that is one time too many! God loves you and created you for great things. But we have to do our part too. You see, God has given us great power with our words. If you say negative things, things that are not in agreement with God's words, then the fullness of His goodness will never get to you. Sure you may have a good life but just think of all the goodness and grace you are leaving out of your life by not agreeing with His words!

You can do all things through Christ and when your words align with that mentality, there really is no limit to what God will do for you.

So, think positive thoughts, align your words with God's words, and step out and believe that what you are saying (and ultimately what God is saying) will come true.

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