Thursday, November 15, 2012

Measuring Success

I believe every day that God wants me to be happy. That doesn't mean He will never let me be sad and as a wise man once said to me, "you cannot know happiness without knowing sorrow". Okay, I am paraphrasing but it does make a lot of sense.

Today, I read a blog post by Sir Richard Branson, founder and CEO of Virgin Group. I won't say I am an avid follower of all things Sir Richard but this post got my attention. Basically, what he is saying, if you chase happiness, success (and money) will follow. If you chase success, then maybe not so much.

So, my point today is not to really discuss business, although I do enjoy my work, it really is to point out that being happy or pursuing things that make you happy will lead to success. Do you like to help others? Are you doing something that will leave the world a better place or improve the lives of others? Those are things that can make you happy and if they do, then don't you count that as also being successful? I certainly do and I know for sure that God does.

Go out and choose to be happy, look for ways to make a difference. Success will be measured in more ways than a paycheck or a balance sheet.

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