Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jesus Take the Wheel

Do you remember this song from a very new American Idol winner, Carrie Underwood? It was her first commercial hit after winning the Season 4 (2005) American Idol competition. If it isn't familiar, it is about a single mother traveling on an icy road to her parents home, her baby asleep in the rear car seat. It is late at night, she hits a patch of ice while driving and the car spins our of control. As she realizes what has happened, she releases the steering wheel and prays for Jesus to take the wheel. It is at that moment she realizes she is trying to control her life when it would be better to let God take control. The car comes to rest, safely on the side of the road and the near accident turns out to be a wake up call to make a change in her life.

I am reminded of this song and it's meaning because of things going on in my life. I am at a place where I will soon have to make choices. Choices that will impact where I live, my work, and how I spend my professional and personal time. In other words, really big changes to my life and that of my family. I can't say that I am excited or that I am afraid, although, I am sure those feelings are there. No, what I feel is uncertainty. However, I continue to believe that God is working on my behalf and that I will make it through these choices and still be on the path He has for me. What I am beginning to realize is that whatever path I do end up going down, whatever choice I make, it isn't something that is final. What I mean is that it is part of my journey. Is this THE job God wants for me? I'm not sure but if it is, He will make it known and if it is not, He will make that known too. I know what I want but what does God want? I am sure to find out soon enough. Perhaps this whole process is a set up for the big dream he has put inside me or maybe THIS is the big dream and I just can't see it yet. Regardless, I am handing over the wheel to God and going to let him do the driving. In a way, it is kind of nice to leave it in his hands because I know He won't steer me wrong.

How many times do we fight God over the plans he has for us? Are you in a job that you know you need to leave but are staying because you are afraid of change? Are you associated with the wrong people but you won't give them up because you worry no one will be your friend? Deep down, you know God has big dreams for you, things that can only happen if you let go of the wheel and let Him take control but it is hard. He won't fight you for control but he will tug on the wheel from time-to-time to see if you are ready yet. How do you know it is His plan? How do you know He will take the wheel and get you safely to your destination? Because He has promised you he will take care of you and God never breaks a promise.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

What are you holding on to and do you need to give God the wheel? Can you let Him do the driving?

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