Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Being Thankful, Even in Difficult Times

You've heard the saying there is always someone worse off than you are. But when you are in the middle of difficult times, that saying doesn't bring you much comfort. Oh sure, we feel a little better knowing that somewhere out in the world there is someone facing bigger challenges than we face but we still have to face our own challenges, so we don't feel that comforted with this little bit of knowledge.

Still, inside this saying is something that is really close to home and does give us sense that no matter what we face today, we will come out better once it has passed. What I am talking about are all of the blessings you have received and how altogether good your life really is. If you are going through a job loss but you still have your family, your friends, a roof over your head, food on the table, you are blessed. No, you aren't in the lap of luxury but you are still warm, dry, and fed. That is so important and such a blessing. Of course, it is easy to see how this challenge is a big deal and it is a big deal, make no mistake about it. But God is still in control and we should give Him praise for what he has already given. We were never promised an easy life but we are promised a good life and that can never be bad.

So, take a moment today to give thanks for all your blessings. Things like your family, friends, the things God has provided to you, which is everything. By realizing what you have, you don't regret what you may not have.

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