Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What the Season is All About

This time of year is always busy. I am in sales and as the year winds down, many companies are looking to wrap up the year so they can kick off the coming year with all of their agreements in place. It is also busy because of the holidays. No matter if you are Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, there are traditions and things to  do. If you have gifts to buy or parties to attend, you have that much more to do.

That is why it is so refreshing to see a little girl here in Charlotte building out what I believe will become her legacy. Her name is Katie Greene and she is 8 years-old. Three years ago (yes, I said 3 years ago) she started a toy drive for kids that are in the hospital over Christmas. That first year, she was able to raise a few hundred dollars and provide presents to kids at one hospital. This year, she has raised over $9,000 and will be able to provide multiple gifts for kids in 4 hospitals. What an amazing story.

What is special to me isn't the fact that she is only 8 years-old, although that is amazing in itself. No, what is special to me is the giving spirit Katie has. How she looked at others and thought of them first. How she didn't ask for herself but for those she felt had a stronger need. How she knew that deep down, she could help those that needed her and asked for nothing in return.

Yes, Katie Greene is one special young lady but what a great story to tell about doing God's work.

Merry Christmas Katie but I think you have already received your gifts.

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