Sunday, December 20, 2009

Luke 2: 1-20 The Birth of Jesus

This morning, our minister "introduced" us to the tax collector from Luke chapter 2, the Birth of Jesus. It was a really unique way to share the birth of our Lord, from the point-of-view of the tax collector. What that makes me think is how we all have a point-of-view on things but in particular, our faith. 

I freely admit to being a bucket of goo. What I mean is that I can find something warm and emotional in very simple but touching moments. But "hearing" the tax collector talk about his own life and how the birth of Jesus touched him was very moving. It was a great way to see this miracle from another vantage point. Can you imagine how you would have reacted to the events that winter night so many years ago? Would you have been in awe or would you have been a skeptic? Would you have stopped what you were doing long enough to find out what was going on or would you have hurried on your way to get out of the cold and damp night? When Mary shared her new born son with you, would you have accepted his message or written it off to just another false profit? No matter your reaction, that night so many years ago, in a land so far away from here, literally changed the world. 

God gave his only son so that we might live. What a great story of hope, love, and peace. 

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