Saturday, January 2, 2010

My 2010 Resolution

Every year, I vow not to make a New Years Resolution. Not because I don't believe in resolutions but because I believe I should be working on becoming better person all year long, not just at the first of the new year. But this year, as I continue My Everyday Faith journey, I decided to commit to daily morning and evening prayers. It's not that I don't pray but admittedly I'm not regular with my prayer.

Now, being the "list" kind of guy that I am, I am making a list of the things that I want to pray over. I know, I know, that is a bit structured but I know myself well enough that if I don't write things down, they don't get done. So, I figured that if it was good enough for my to do list and work related items, why not prayer? With that in mind, I'm making my prayer list and committing to daily morning and evening prayers. This isn't to say I won't have prayers throughout the day but I will be more focused on these times of day as well.

What resolutions of Faith will you make in 2010?

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