Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Do You Stay in Faith?

Life is busy, hard, fun, and many other things. It's easy, or easier to stay in faith when things are going well. But what do you do things aren't going great? I have reached the point where I find it is easier in the hard times to stay in faith. The reason is that I've learned (often the hard way) that sharing the burden of my troubles with God brings things to a better resolution than I ever seem to come up with on my own. Sure, it is hard to stay in faith when things aren't going well but can you really think your solutions and handling things alone will work out better than when you have someone to share your troubles with?

Share your troubles, share you burden and you will find things are much easier to bare. Staying in faith in the good times is something we all need to do but stay in faith in the difficult times too. Share your troubles with the Lord and stay in faith in the hard times too. You will see how things work out the right way.

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