Monday, June 25, 2012

Being Thankful for What You Have

It is easy to get down and think about all the things you are missing out on. You didn't get the car you wanted, the house that you put an offer on went to someone else, or maybe you had a crush on that special person at work but found out they are dating someone else. You just seem to always come up short. Or do you?

Being thankful for what you have isn't a really hard concept but from time to time, we all seem to struggle with it. It seems to be the hardest when we have either been knocked down a few times or maybe when we have been praying for something to happened and it just doesn't. But we all have to remember that even when we aren't getting the things we dream of most, that does not mean that God is not still working on our behalf.

No, maybe you didn't get that job you applied for but you still have food on the table and a roof over your head. That is something to be thankful for. Maybe you have been praying for a relationship to blossom from friendship into more but is just isn't happening. Still, you have a good friend and someone that truly cares for you. Or how about the house you tried to buy but the deal fell apart at the last minute. You still have a good home that is safe, dry, and warm.

You see, God works on his own schedule and on his own plan. So, when your dreams aren't happening on your timetable and things don't seem to be working out for your plans. Remember, you still have things to be thankful for and the thing that you should be thankful for the most is that God is working His plan in your life. While you may not see it, you will one day have every thing God has in store for you and your dreams and plans will seem so small compared to what He is planning for your future.

What are you thankful for today?

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