Friday, June 8, 2012

Little things

You've heard the saying that it is the little things that matter. It is such a true statement. I have been engaged in a number of calls and basic networking since Monday. I have been overwhelmed by the large and small gestures that people have made to help me in me in the process. It is so hard to be in a place where you feel you have to go asking for favors but I have always felt it was my place to help when someone asked, never asking for anything in return. Now, as I find myself in job search mode, it gives me so much joy to see how so many people are not only willing to talk to me but going to great lengths to help.

But it is the little things that are making me smile. The former boss that has gone to his CEO for leads and introductions for me. It is the former client that is reaching out to his network and making introductions. The former colleagues that are asking to be references, write recommendations, or offer up their own contacts. Each time this happens, I just have to smile. What a joy it is to be blessed by such wonderful people.

However, as I was recalling a short email exchange with the CEO of a local company, I had to tell my wife just how much God is at work in all of this. I don't know what, if any of this will come to but the things people are willing to do for you is no accident. God has put these people in my life for a reason. He is setting the pieces in place to take me places I never dreamed possible. I honestly believe I will look back at this job loss one day and say how it was the best thing that happened to me. Not necessarily because I got a better job or more money but because the window into God's plan that was thrust open as a result. 

So, the next time you are asked to help in a small way, think about how something little can mean the world to someone in need. By answering the call, you are helping fulfill God's plan but better still, you may be planting the seeds for God's help to make your dreams come true too.

God bless!

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