Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Numbers Game

I've been in sales for a number of years and I often tell my reps that sales is really just a numbers game. What I mean is that you have to put in the activity before something will happen. Sure, you need to work smart, do your research, and really try to target your clients. But at the end of the day, the more emails you send (numbers), the more calls you make (numbers), and the more meetings you do (numbers) will ultimately result in more closed deals (numbers). It really is that simple.

Well, it is the same way with God. Yes, He wants you to be happy and live the life He has planned for you but He also knows that you have to make the journey before you can live His best for you. Just like there are no short cuts in sales, there are no short cuts to God's best for you. Every day, you need to get up, declare this is God's day and you are going to live it to His best. Every day you will expect God's best for your life. And every day, you will get one step closer to the dreams and plans God has put in your heart. So basically, you are doing the activity (numbers) and with each activity, you are making progress in your life with God.

Have you put in your numbers today? If not, it isn't too late. Thank God for all the blessings and keep working to be closer to Him. With each passing day, you will be that much closer to the very best God has in store for you.

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