Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Half Full or Half Empty?

Earlier today, my wife and I were watching one of the syndicated morning talk shows. One of the segments on the show was about people that are preparing for natural and man-made disasters (not the Apocalypse). These people are called 'preppers' and they stockpile food, water, ammunition, batteries, basically anything needed to survive for weeks without basic services and supplies.

As the announcer was setting up the piece, my wife asked, would I want to still be living if the 'world' were destroyed by war or some natural disaster. My answer was a resounding yes! In all honesty, I don't think anything like that is going to happen but if it did, I would hate to think I had so little hope that I would not want to be alive. Yes, I am going to Heaven and yes, I know that life in Heaven will be so much sweeter than it is here. However, I also believe that God has a plan for me and that even if the plan were to include some huge disaster, that if He didn't take me as part of that event, that He would want me to be here to see and do things that only He can make happen.

Imagine, helping those left behind recover, that would be God's grace in action. Rebuilding homes and lives so people could get their lives in order, that would be God's eternal hope. Or think about all of those people that were not sure how to go on and helping them find that God is in control and giving them a reason to live, that would be the miracle of God's unconditional love. I could never miss being a part of that. Sure, it wouldn't be easy. God never promised a life without suffering or pain but He is here for us and if we accept Him and have faith in Him, we will be able to do all things through Him.

So, the answer is a resounding yes, if God kept me here, then I would want to be here. It would mean he still has plans for me and I want to take every opportunity, good and bad, to see his plan for me come to pass!

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