Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Doors and Windows

You remember that line from The Sound of Music, "where God closes a door, He opens a window". Or maybe you've heard it used in another context but basically, the saying means that what looks like something is ending only means God is setting up a new beginning. It really is a very strong part of my faith and what allows me to take comfort in not knowing all the details of God's plan for me.

You see, throughout my life, I have always felt that God's hand was on me and that no matter what was going on, good or bad, God knew all about me, had a plan for me, and would take me through it. Now, it is very easy to forget this when the good times are rolling. I mean your life is humming along and you seem not to have a care in the world. Then something happens, a relationship ends, a family member passes, or you experience a loss. At those times, it is easy to get caught up in all that is wrong. But I have learned that loss is just a part of life and that there are times when something must end before the next good thing can happen. And while God wants us to be happy, He also knows that we must go through these times to prepare us for the next level of His blessings and sometimes that preparation can be hard or uncomfortable to handle.

The good news is that God will not give you anything you cannot handle and that if you stay in faith and trust him to guide you, you will come out far better than you were before. The relationship that ended was a set up for a better relationship. The job loss was difficult but it was necessary for you to get the better job. The real estate contract that fell through at the last minute was because God had a better place for you to be. The bad things don't just happen, they happen for a reason. God knows you and has a detailed plan for you. Yes, we have to do our part. That includes staying in faith, believing that He is in control and working on our behalf, treating others the way we want to be treated, living a life that is an example of a follower of Christ. Do your part, keep believing, and God will open that window or maybe another door. We really don't have to do this alone and when you can live in the comfort of knowing that God will work it all out, your life will be so much more blessed in the process.

Are you focusing on the closed doors and missing the open windows? Let the open windows bring in God's blessings today. You will be so glad you did.

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